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Samsung Gear S2 Intelligent Watch Launch coil -2

S2 1GHz uses a dual core processor Gear, with 512MB running memory and 4GB of internal storage space, performance for a smart watch is enough for everyday use. As the carrying is its own Tizen system, compared with no hardware, use up very smooth, no feeling of Caton. S2 Gear is equipped with a 250 Ma battery, coupled with its own system optimization and AMOLED screen, the moderate use of up to 3 - 2 days of life, for today's smart watches life is quite good. Watch for the development of our life can only be more and more convenient, and now it is more and more comprehensive function, not inferior to the function of the phone. It has thus led to its core device - the launch coil. The coil is more and more valued by us, the application scope is more and more widespread, in our life is everywhere. Samsung smart watch led to the emergence of the industrial development of smart watches, more and more people develop new smart watches must be less kernel configuration - transmitting coil, I believe that smart watches in the industry Houjinshizu. Anterior a piece of light. Also believe that the market is essential to the coil, by more people's attention.