Solar swinging toy solar swing coil
We must be very curious why many toys have been rotating will swing, for example, we see the most is the Lucky cat, Lucky cat is the owner of the hot. Have you ever thought about why we didn't have the money to do so? This is the main reason for the cat inside the swing coil. There are also many solar swing toys, they are also in trouble of the solar swinging coil. Solar energy rocking toy is a toy, which is driven by solar energy, or around or before and after swinging. Through the control of the solar battery and the circuit board causes the coil to generate a magnetic field of the magnet and the magnetic field interaction, driven by a doll head swings outward, and combining with the reset elastic force of the reset spring, driven doll head swung inwards, through and achieved a doll head back and forth swing head simulation, to enhance their products are interesting and attractive, and enhance market competitiveness. As long as there is normal light in the place, and it will be set in the direction of the flat and away from the object with the magnet interference can make its normal work. Gently with the hands or interference contact is, loosen the hand or solve the interference substances can restore the original action, not because of the influence of the outside world and to the electromagnetic field and the solar cell produced unfavorable factors and to the human body and the interference object produce damage and breakage.