The induction coil to remind you how to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the lamp -
In recent years, Chinese students' myopia rate is increasing, the children each year to replace degree deepen myopia glasses is common, many schoolshave become almost "glasses kingdom". "The main reason causing glasseskingdom" expanding is the science with the eye health problems. Of course, in addition to reading learning always posture is not correct, the reason does not pay attention to relax and so on, while studying for lamp without science is an important factor affecting the eyesight.
Some parents think that Taiwan luminous color more white even "blue" lamp is better, that is wrong. Because the lights will cause partial color. Not only that, if children often live in this light environment and learning, but also simple causeanomalous trichromatism; together, the glare problem also should pay attention to, have long been glare eyes will affect the vision. Therefore, as long as the proper use of energy-saving lamps in order to have healthylighting environment.
Currently on the market there are heat source and cold light source lamp twoclass. The former mainly refers to the incandescent lamp, this kind of lampFireWire smoothly without stroboscopic, lack is the color yellow, light efficiencyis not high, the use of time simply tired eyes. The latter includes no stroboscopic fluorescent eye protection desk lamp, fluorescent energy-savinglamp, this kind of lamp light color is white, usually light intensity deficiency,which ordinary fluorescent lamp stroboscopic serious, directly affect thestudents with visual acuity, the individual is equipped with high frequencyelectronic ballast fluorescent lamp without stroboflash also have the effect of electromagnetic radiation interference.
Put forward a suggestion induction coil Xiaobian: students should choose the products of thermal light source lamp. In order to make up for the lack of heatefficient light source, in the use of the lamp, suggestions and indoor general lighting are used together.
As one writer said: eyes, for the lights is the most sensitive, because the lightswill tell the mind -- you're safe through the eyes. Thus, the lights in fact forpeople, not just a lighting tool, or a security tag. We also hope that the lights can be through your eyes, through the heart, for modern living Home Furnishing healthy lighting. Have a look in the home of light, whether scientificend its mission, right, a word of caution: care for the eyes, not long-term openlights.
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